
We’re A Proud ClearCorrect Orthodontics Provider in Columbus, Ohio

ClearCorrect braces use no wires, no brackets, no metal – just clear, invisible aligners to straighten your teeth. Each series of ClearCorrect orthodontics gently guides your teeth into place as the sets of aligners are changed out every few weeks. Patients of all ages love ClearCorrect!

The Benefits of ClearCorrect Braces vs. Traditional Braces:

  • Metal-free
  • Comfortable with no irritation from wires or braces
  • Removable, so keeping your teeth clean is easy
  • Eat anything you want
  • Fewer appointments

ClearCorrect Offers A Clear Alternative To Modern Orthodontic Treatment!

Our ClearCorrect patients visit us fewer than a traditional braces patient sees their orthodontist. That’s because we send your aligners home with you a few sets at a time, allowing you to change them out on your own and progress your tooth movement. ClearCorrect works great for patients with gaps, crooked teeth, or mild to moderate orthodontic complications. Treatment is appropriate for both teens and adults.

What The Process Looks Like:

After your initial consultation, we’ll take impressions of your teeth to create a customized series of ClearCorrect aligners. Once they’re ready, we’ll deliver the first 2 or 3 sets to you, and check you periodically to assess your treatment and deliver the next sets of aligners. Treatment times may vary, but most patients complete their treatment within 12-24 months.

Before & After Photos

Before invisalign clear braces

After invisalign clear braces

Get Your Perfect Smile With Merion Village Dental & ClearCorrect.

By correcting your smile with ClearCorrect, Merion Village Dental can improve your oral health as well as give you a beautiful smile to boost your self-confidence. Chat with us today to schedule a consultation!

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