Professional TMD & TMJ Treatments in Columbus, Ohio

At Merion Village Dental, we can help you address and correct the pain related to TMJ or TMD. The temporomandibular joint is designed to function with a wide variety of movements, all day long. Complications of the joint and the muscles around it can interfere with a person’s diet and quality of life – leaving with you nasty headaches and debilitating pain. We work directly with patients to provide TMD/TMJ treatments and at-home routines to help relieve discomfort associated with the disorder.

TMD/TMJ disorder symptoms often include:

  • Clicking, popping, or locking of the jaw
  • Headaches and migraines
  • Grinding, wearing of the teeth
  • Pain through the face, head, neck, and shoulders
  • Muscle soreness or spasms

What causes TMJ?

There are several different factors that can influence why a person suffers from problems with the temporomandibular joint, but the most common causes stem from trauma, bruxism and clenching teeth habitually. Merion Village Dentistry can help patients prevent these risk factors by creating a customized bite splint to guide the jaw into a relaxed position. It’s a solution as simple as taking an impression of your teeth!

Don't put up with the pain any longer!

Our TMJ splint treatments are simple, affordable, and provide quick results. Your splint will allow the joint and muscles to relax, reversing painful TMJD symptoms in no time. If you're worried that you may be experiencing TMJ or TMD, chat with us today to schedule a consultation.

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