Dream Dentistry

Did you ever wish that you could be completely unaware of your dental care, and have everything taken care of in just one appointment?

Dream dentistry at Merion Village Dental is a safe and effective way to rest easy during the entire dental care process, providing patients with a deep level of sedation to overcome fear, anxiety, or quick gag reflexes.

Dream Dentistry is a great alternative choice for patients who:

  • Are having their wisdom teeth removed
  • Have special needs that make sitting still difficult
  • Experience moderate to severe anxiety about dental care
  • Want to complete an entire procedure in one appointment
  • Have a gag reflex that is easily triggered
  • Shake uncontrollably, making treatment difficult

When patients choose Dream Dentistry, they are benefitting from general IV sedation that is overseen my anesthesia specialists right here in our dental facility. Since patients are extremely comfortable and still, care can be completed quicker than under normal circumstances.

What is a Dream Dentistry appointment like?

Our in-house sedation specialist will properly set up your medication line so that sedation can be delivered. Delivered intravenously, the onset of the sedative is very quick and the sedative effects are stopped immediately when the medication is cut off. While under sedation, you’ll simply sleep right through your appointment!

Patients who are administered this heavy sedation technique will feel drowsy for an extended period of time following the appointment. Please have arranged a method of transportation home, as you will not be able to operate a vehicle immediately following your appointment.

Anxiety or fear of pain shouldn’t get in the way of a healthy smile.

With Dream Dentistry, Merion Village Dental can help you achieve the smile you have always wanted! Chat online now with a member of our team to schedule your appointment!

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