Merion Village Dental Blog

Need an Extraction? Here’s What to Expect

November 21, 2017

Merion Village

Categories: MVD Patients

Modern dentistry can work wonders when it comes to saving or repairing a damaged tooth. But even with the latest advances in technology and procedures, there are still situations where the removal of a tooth is necessary.

And although the idea of a dental extraction may seem extreme, the procedure is straightforward, safe, concealable, and very safe.

What is a Dental Extraction?

Put simply, a dental extraction is when a tooth is completely removed from its socket in the bones of the face and jaw. Extractions are sometimes performed by oral surgeons, and are also routinely performed by dentists and periodontists.

Once the tooth is removed and the socket and surrounding tissue heal, a dental implant is often used to take its place.

Conditions that Might Require a Dental Extraction

There are numerous reasons why a tooth may need to be extracted, whether due to injury, decay, negative impact on surrounding teeth, or cosmetic purposes. Some of the more common causes for a dental extraction include:

  • Fractured or broken teeth
  • Severely decayed teeth or infections
  • Malformed teeth
  • Impacted wisdom teeth
  • Retained baby teeth
  • Infected teeth or gums due to cancer medication or other radiation treatment
  • Teeth that are blocking or crowding others from coming in
  • Teeth blocking or distorting the fit of dentures
  • Severe gum disease

The Extraction Process

A dental extraction falls into one of two categories: simple extractions, and surgical extractions.

simple extraction is performed on an affected tooth that can be viewed from the mouth. After using a local anesthetic to make you more comfortable, the dentist will loosen and remove the tooth from its socket.

If the tooth is broken at the gum line, has not yet erupted, or has other complications, a surgical extraction may be performed. In this procedure, following the application of an anesthetic, the dentist makes an incision in the gum before surgically removing the tooth. The anesthetic blocks pain, but pressure related to the surgical extraction may still be felt.

Once the tooth is removed, a gauze swab can be held in the mouth to absorb and limit bleeding, and your dentist may prescribe pain and anti-inflammatory medication for a few days until things get back to normal.

What Should be Considered an Emergency?

Sometimes the pain or discomfort of a damaged tooth can be managed for a while. But in some instances the situation constitutes an emergency, and you should see your dentist or another professional right away.

You should seek help immediately if you are experiencing:

  • Difficulty breathing or swallowing
  • Serious or extreme pain or discomfort
  • Persistent bleeding in the area
  • A fever or chills
  • Excessive swelling

How Merion Village Dental Can Help

A dental extraction can make one nervous, but the procedure is safe and effective. At Merion Village Dental, our state-of-the-art facilities and experienced staff help to make the procedure gentle, swift, and successful. To learn more about our services or to schedule an appointment, visit us online or call 614-420-2665.

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