Merion Village Dental Blog

5 Quick and Easy Tips to Protect Your Child’s Teeth on Vacation

June 15, 2015

Merion Village

Categories: Children's Dentistry

Beach VacationWhether you are traveling to a far-flung exotic locale or just going on that next camping trip, you are probably wondering how you can minimize any disruption to the healthy routines that you have established for your kids. Fortunately, we can help! We have some healthy teeth tips for traveling that will ensure your child does not slack on dental hygiene:

1. Pack Healthy Snacks

When you are on the go, portable snacks are a must! The good news is that you are allowed to bring healthy treats on an airplane and even into many amusement parks. If you and your family are flying, the only caveat is that the food must be wrapped or in a container. However, you can bring whole fruit, string cheese, nuts, cottage cheese, raisins, and/or yogurt – all of which have been proven to be beneficial for teeth. Among these options, even the pickiest eater is sure to find a likable healthy snack!

2. Reach for the Water Bottle

It is always a good idea to carry a water bottle with you – no matter where you travel. We recommend that you look for water with added fluoride – there are plenty of options from which to choose, by the way. Water is great for two reasons. For one thing, water neutralizes the acids that form in the mouth after eating sweets and highly acidic foods. Secondly, water also keeps the mouth moist, preventing bad breath. Encourage your kids to drink plenty of water on your vacation. One way to do this is by allowing them to pick out their own refillable water bottle.

3. Promote Straw Usage

This is an easy one! What kid does not love using a straw? Believe it or not, there are some benefits to using a straw. The straw allows carbonated beverages to bypass most teeth, minimizing the acid that comes in contact with teeth; thus, preventing unsightly stains. Keep a few in your purse, and when your children want soda, encourage them to drink it with a straw!

4. Do Not Forget the Sugarless Gum!

Sugarless gum can be a lifesaver while you are traveling the world, the campground, the amusement park, etc. It is convenient to pack, beneficial for oral health, and a real crowd pleaser with kids. A stick of chewing gum increases saliva production, reducing the number of bacteria in the mouth and also freshening breath. However, make sure to choose the sugarless gum with the ADA Seal.

5. Indulge at Mealtime

It is absolutely natural that during vacation, kids want to throw all the rules out the window. Fortunately, there is room for a little flexibility. Rather than banning sugary treats and sodas on vacation, allow a special indulgence from time to time with meals. The reason for this is simple. Each time a person ingests a sugary snack, teeth-damaging acids form. By limiting these types of snacks to mealtime only, you are reducing the number of times bacteria forms in the mouth.

With a little preparation and our teeth-friendly tips, you will be well on your way to keeping your kids’ teeth in top shape while on vacation. As you can see, it does not have to be hard. Now dealing with the TSA? Sorry, you are on your own with that one!

Contact us at Merion Village Dental to learn more about pediatric dentistry options and tips!

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